The Academy (Die Akademie) follows Jojo (Maya Bons), a young art student, as she discovers the microcosm of an art academy with all of its opportunities and contradictions. Accepted into the class of the renowned Professor Copley (Jean-Marc Barr), her dream seems to have come true, but little by little, she and her new-found friends, including Siri (Luise Aschenbrenner), are forced to come to terms with the realities of an environment that demands not only artistic excellence and creative originality, but that also prepares its artists for the competitive nature of the world of art and rejection.
Written and directed by Camilla Guttner, supported by the acclaimed Cinematographer Luca Bigazzi (The Great Beauty, Youth, Il Divo), The Academy boasts a rich, international cast that includes, Michael Brandner, Andreas Lust, Isolde Barth, Elisabeth von Koch and Miguel Abrantes Ostrowski, with a guest performance by the German indie rock band The Notwist, who are also composing music for the score.
In Post Production...
The Academy will have its World Premiere on the 4th July 2024 as part of New German Cinema section of the Munich Film Festival
In co-production with Schiwago Film GmbH, SuperCine GmbH and Standing Ovations
Director: Camilla Guttner
Cinematographer: Luca Bigazzi
International Sales Agent: The Playmaker Munich
German Speaking Territories: Weltkino Filmverleih